Daftar Blog Saya

Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

Upload Vulnerability

Upload is process of transmitting a file from a computer system to other computer systems. Attacker to upload files to insert in accordance with the desired command so that it can remotely victim. This attack is passive as it waits for the victim to take action on a file that is uploaded.

Example in dvwa
  1. Open in dvwa
  1. Setting security in high.
  2. Open terminal/terminator
      a. Open folder DVWA in var/www/
      b. change permissons the folder hackable can be execution, write and read : chmod -R 777 hackable

  1. Chose Upload button in DVWA

Note :
see the source is that only jpg file format that could be upload.

  1. Upload backdoor
    1. a. chose a file from webshells
      b. copy backdoor to folder /var/www/

      c. change backdoor file extention with .jpeg (php-backdoor.jpeg)
      d. upload file on dvwa

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