Daftar Blog Saya

Rabu, 04 Februari 2015

I Delete a Blog on Blogger

 Today many blogs that allow users neglected blog. Various preoccupations of bloggers so just let his blog. Of course this is very detrimental to the new blog users because the number of blog address they like no / reduced.
Here's how to remove an abandoned blog
Good luck ....

1. Sign in go to the dashboard blog.


2. The dashboard and then point to the drop-down menu select Setelan.

3.  Then on the left sidebar, click on Lainnya

4. Then click on the Blog Tools and klik on Hapus Blog

note :  Before deleting blog, you can download your blog for another time then the exported by clicking the Unduh Blog. To immediately remove the blog, press Hapus Blog Ini..

The view that has been deleted