Daftar Blog Saya

Senin, 31 Agustus 2015

Cracking Password MD5 Using Kali Linux

MD5 (Message-Digest algortihm 5) is cryptographic hash function to wide according to hash value 128-bit. The internet standart (RFC 1321), MD5 use do all sorts of things in secure applications, and MD5 use also to exam integrity a bundle.
okeyy...let's go to practices :
1.  open terminal
2.  type in terminal 'findmyhash MD5 -h  teks_md5' > enter'

Happy Hacking

Selasa, 11 Agustus 2015

Cracking Password Winrar

 We frequently use zipped files due to its small size and strong encryption algorithm. These zipped files comes with a facility of password protection which maintains the security of the files.
But sometimes this security feature turns into a drawback if we somehow forget the password. In that case the password cracker play their role. You can also use them if you downloaded a zipped file with password protection on it.
In my last article, if you followed then we learned to make a bootable USB of backtrack. So here I'm gonna introduce a tool which is present in Backtrack and if you have no past experience with Linux then no issues you can start from here. The open source tool we are gonna use is called fcrackzip.
fcrackzip is a fast password cracker partly written in assembler. It is able to crack password protected zip files with brute force or dictionary based attacks, optionally testing with unzip its results.

Rabu, 29 Juli 2015

SQL injection

SQL Injection merupakan cara hack website yang paling banyak digunakan oleh para hacker. Kenapa? Karena dengan melakukan SQL injection, kita dapat langsung mengetahui username dan password dari website yang akan kita bajak. Kok bisa gitu? Kasih tau gak yah? hehe, ya udah siapin kopi dulu sana terus lanjut bacanya karena untuk melakukan teknik ini dibutuhkan kesabaran ekstra,hehe..

Rabu, 04 Februari 2015

I Delete a Blog on Blogger

 Today many blogs that allow users neglected blog. Various preoccupations of bloggers so just let his blog. Of course this is very detrimental to the new blog users because the number of blog address they like no / reduced.
Here's how to remove an abandoned blog
Good luck ....

1. Sign in go to the dashboard blog.


2. The dashboard and then point to the drop-down menu select Setelan.

3.  Then on the left sidebar, click on Lainnya

4. Then click on the Blog Tools and klik on Hapus Blog

note :  Before deleting blog, you can download your blog for another time then the exported by clicking the Unduh Blog. To immediately remove the blog, press Hapus Blog Ini..

The view that has been deleted